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People Describe The Most Absent-Minded Way They've Ever Destroyed Their Electronics
Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

I hate technology. It has ruined society as a whole. But that is a chat for later. My equipment, I swear has a mind of its own.

That is why it's even more frustrating when my tech and I have fights, and I have to throw down. Of course there are times when I am just negligent and ornery. Never throw a laptop. But who isn't set into a rage when they see that damn rainbow pinwheel?

Deep breaths. Be careful with electronics, Apple, has enough money.

Redditoru/ImGeronimowanted to discuss the evil of technology and it's consequences by asking:

What is the stupidest way you've ever ruined an electronic device?
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People Describe The Scariest Product Recalls Of All Time
Image by Christian Dorn from Pixabay

I've lost count when it comes to the amount of times lettuce has been marked hazardous. And I love lettuce.

Like, what is happening on these Midwest farms that lettuce is being poisoned before it's shipped out to feed the nation?

Everytime that recall occurs I clutch my pearls and run to my fridge to inventory. For me food recalls are the worst.

You never know if you're already in danger.

Though it maybe harrowing to hear, Redditoru/Pristine-Tomorrow710asked:

What were the scariest product recalls in history?
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