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People Break Down The Saddest Movie Endings Of All-Time
Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Few things can give you a better cry than a sad movie ending.

It's cathartic and horrible all at once.

I still weep at 'Ghost.'

That ending will always be relevant.

Also, there is something beautiful about crying as a group of strangers in the dark together.

Note: there are movie spoilers below.

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People Break Down All The Things That Are Absolutely Destroying Them Right Now
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Life has really become too much. At least that is what it feels like doesn't it? Every day of the past year and a half has been a struggle for many.

Smiles are difficult to produce when all your face wants to do is shed tears and frown. And that frown ain't turning upside down anytime soon.

This is why it is imperative that we keep mental health and awareness a part of our daily conversations. Life is hard, and with each breath it seems like it's only getting harder.

So let's check in on each other here...

Redditor u/conversepapi wanted to chat about the things in life that turn us all upside down by asking:

Unburden yourself here, what is destroying you right now?
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People Explain Which Things Never Fail To Make Them Cry
Image by Victor Vote from Pixabay

I'm all for people wearing their hearts on their sleeves and crying from watching emotional movies.

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People Share The Most Memorable Time They Made Someone Cry
Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

Tears can mean so many things in the complex human emotional spectrum.

A person may cry because they're overjoyed, or deeply sad, or grieving, Tears may fall over a lost dog, or a found dog, or losing the 90th round of Tetris attack in a row.

Crying happens.

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Kristen Bell And Dax Shepard Make Each Other Cry On 'Ellen' During Birthday Q&A

Dax Shepard recently went on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to celebrate his birthday.

While he was there, his wife, Kristen Bell, visited and the pair's love is so strong that it made them both cry.

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