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People Who Have Actually Visited The Parks Featured In 'Tiger King' Share What They Were Like

Who has been to the places that Carole... "allegedly" did it?

People Who Have Actually Visited The Parks Featured In 'Tiger King' Share What They Were Like
Photo by Samuele Giglio on Unsplash

Everybody is watching it. Everybody is talking about it. You can't escape it. The memes, the tweets, the mystery, the over the top drama. It's going to go down as a part of cultural history... I'm of course discussing "Tiger King" on Netflix. You just can't look away. And as it turns out, many of us have a small personal connection... because who hasn't visited a zoo?

Redditor u/AndTCGW wanted to know who has a personal experience when it comes to the locales in this docuseries craziness by asking....

Has anyone been to zoos that were documented on Tiger King? What were they like? Was there any indication of the crazy stuff that was in the documentary series?
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