worst parenting mistakes

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The Most Hurtful Things People's Parents Ever Said To Them

Reddit user Enockito asked: 'What's the most hurtful thing your parent ever said to you?'

Crying teenager
Photo by Zhivko Minkov on Unsplash

All judgment aside, we're all meant to do some things and not meant to do other things, and there are simply some people in the world who would make better parents than others.

Those who decide to parent while knowing that they didn't want kids often wind up saying and doing things that do far more harm than good to their children.

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Former child here. Parenting is hard, but being a kid is even harder. Everything parents do affects children for life, and little things like constant criticism add up.

itallwenttitsup asked: What's the worst thing you've seen a parent do that will f*ck their child up for life?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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