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A young business man looks out into a city
Photo by Saulo Mohana on Unsplash

Money makes the world go round.

It contributes to the betterment of society.

Well, that is what we're led to believe, right?

That is why so many of these big billion-dollar companies get fabulous tax breaks.

But sadly so many big-money jobs only help themselves.

In fact, a lot of fancy, money careers only focus on the green and not the people.

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People Explain What Living Through The Pandemic Has Taught Them
Photo by Noah on Unsplash

We are two and a half years into this pandemic madness.

Cases are rising and now we also have monkeypox.

What a time to be alive!

It has been a trying few years.

Hopefully when all is said and done we'll come through a little smarter, wiser and passionate about life.

Can we all look back and see what we learned?

Redditor hughjassjess wanted to share about all the lessons they took in surviving the Covid madness. They asked:

"What has living through a pandemic taught you?"
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People Confess Which Things They'd Remove From The World To Make It A Better Place
John Lund/GettyImages

There are people who are deathly afraid of needles but eventually get inoculated to protect their health.

There are people who absolutely can't stand sushi but know better than to deny their friends from enjoying what they deem delicious.

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People Around The World Confess Which Historical Events Their Country Won't Speak About
Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

Just because people are patriotic, it doesn't mean they are embarrassed or ashamed about a specific historic event in their country.

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People From Around The World Break Down Their Nation's Greatest Shame
Anna Church on Unsplash

The citizens of most countries are quick to boast about their country and tout their patriotism.

Few, however, are willing to acknowledge some of the things they are embarrassed about regarding their homeland.

Many would never volunteer that information unless asked directly.

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