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closed sign on door
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

When the global pandemic hit in march of 2020, countless companies saw themselves going under.

Sadly, some companies, from a wide variety of businesses, simply couldn't adapt to working under the parameters of social distancing, or couldn't adapt in time, resulting in them permanently closing their doors.

Many people were sad to see these companies close, while many others were even sadder that some companies managed to pull through and stay open.

Indeed, long before Covid-19 wreaked havoc on the world, some companies and corporations people felt were actually detrimental to society would be doing the world a favor by going out of business.

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Women Explain What They Wish Other Women Would Immediately Stop Doing

There's something special about women sticking together and bonding through many of life's ups and downs.

No matter what, they seem to have each other's backs because they can relate to many situations that can cause them to be vulnerable.

But that doesn't mean they never scoff at certain behaviors exhibited by members of their own gender.

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Make-A-Wish Employees Share The Strangest Requests That Were Actually Granted
Image by martinnlp90 from Pixabay

Everyone has a bucket list, even if we haven't written it down. We all have a few ideas in the back of our minds about the things we want to do or see before it's lights out on life.

That's why the Make-A-Wish foundation is so special. They are often able to gift children extraordinary life highlights in the midst of tragedy and sorrow.

And every once in a while some of those requests are a bit surprising and off the wall. Hey, to each their own. Who knows why any of us love the things we love.

Redditor u/The_King123431 wanted to hear all about the wishes that have made people go... "Hmmmm!" By asking:

Make a wish employees, what was the strangest wish a kid asked for and actually received?
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Regret is not an issue any of us love to face. And it's aggravating that its an issue we can never hide from. Regret often mutates into a poison that can taint the future.... but only if we allow it. We all have those moments right? If only I could change that one time, I wish I had never, that was the moment I should've realized..... we've all been then. Hell, a lot of us are still there. That's why I say.... time to move on. But first we must admit, analyze and accept.

Redditor u/Hisgirl10 wanted everyone to discuss that one time in life, where if we could have a redo, everything could change, if only, by asking.... If you had one do-over in life, what would it be?
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