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Every decade we learn and grow.

Well, we hope we do.

Everything changes with the passing of time.

Sex is especially fluid.

They say the older you get the better it gets.

I'm not sure for myself, but it sounds like it's working out for a lot of other people.

20s are full of verve and energy.

30s are full of bitterness and regret from the sex in the 20s.

Though that can be hot too.

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People Share The Most Adult Thing They've Ever Seen A Kid Do

Some youth are just adult souls.

People Share The Most Adult Thing They've Ever Seen A Kid Do
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Kids say the darndest things. We often see children as invisible when they are around adults; that is a very big mistake to make.

Children are listening, and they are learning. They will often repeat what they here and have it manifest into quite the personality.

They are far wiser than we give them credit for, which is why they drive parents so insane half the time.

Many old souls are living in tiny, young bodies and they comprehend and feel and relate far more than we can imagine.

Redditor u/CaesarTheLion wanted everyone to discuss the actions of children, they are the future by asking...
What's the most adult thing you've ever seen a child do?
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People Share Which Outdated Things Are Actually Still Wisely Used
Photo by Fredy Jacob on Unsplash

Let's define "outdated." Does anything ever really become outdated? In fact, most things have a revival. Often wisdom advice and life's useful tools are the things that never stop being of use. Therefore they are never outdated but we see them as such because maybe they aren't as chic as the now. Useful is never outdated. Useful is ALWAYS relevant children!

Redditor anti-inflammatees wanted to know what else is still useful in this day and age by asking...

What's really outdated yet still widely used?
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