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An embarrassed child
Jelleke Vanooteghem/Unsplash

When you were younger, your protected perspective on life and the world was probably significantly different compared to now.

Before life experience informed your decisions, younger you most likely had higher aspirations to achieve a specific goal or swore off doing something you found objectionable.

But here you are, as an adult, doing the exact opposite of what you had intended.

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People Break Down Which Pieces Of Life Advice Can F*** Right Off
engin akyurt on Unsplash

Most people have become conditioned to invoke cliches when consoling or encouraging others.

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People Who Grew Up In The Country Share Things Every City Kid Should Know
Frances Gunn on Unsplash

Among Aesop's fables is a tale called The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. In the story, both mice find their lives suit them, but not each other.

Indeed there is a difference between urban life and rural life even in the modern world.

Those folks that grew up country would have some wisdom to share with any city kin and vice versa.

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Life goes by in an instant. I was told that constantly as I wasted every second of my youth.

Ok, maybe I'm being a tad dramatic, but I wish I had listened to wisdom from my elders more.

Life does fly by, and everyone should be prepared for it.

One of the ways to get the most out of the best years, is to live it up with smarts.

If only there was a handbook to be given out in our teenage years.

There's an idea! *note to self...*

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What would you change? What would you warn against? What mattered and what didn't?

Some of the many questions we think about when reflecting back on our lives. How would we do it better?

Is there a way to do it better? Was doing our best the best way?

What if we could tell our younger self the truth? What would we say in a quick message to let that child know... about everything yet to come?

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