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People Describe The Absolute Worst Weddings They've Ever Been To
Redd F/Unsplash

We all love a good wedding, where the bride and groom are beaming after officially declaring their love in front of close friends and family gathered together in celebration.

Sure, wedding planning can be a headache, but the final result leading to the day of the nuptials usually proves it was all worth it.

Until something goes wrong.

Unfortunately, not all weddings are made the same and the special day can wind up being a major matrimonial miss.

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People Describe The Most Cringeworthy Things They've Ever Seen A Bride And Groom Do
Photo by Steven Cordes on Unsplash

Weddings are all about the bride and groom; as they should be.

And that can lead to some messes.

Disaster weddings really should be a reality show.

I've heard stories about some weddings you'd never believe weren't fiction.

Newlyweds! Please test out your ideas on some people first.

Think it through.

Get a wedding planner who is also a therapist.

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People Explain Which Things Are Stupidly Overpriced
Photo by Luis Tosta on Unsplash

Quality comes with price. That's a fact you can't escape. If you hire someone to fix your home, and want them to do the best job, you're going to have to pay above average prices. That's fine. Pay the people what they're worth for the great job they did. However, we live in a world where everyone is looking for their payout, even if what they've given you is less than ideal.

Don't overpay for any of these.

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People Break Down The Biggest Scams In Life That No One Wants To Admit To
Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

It can feel like your constantly looking over your shoulder anytime you want to buy anything today, as if someone is following you around with a pen hoping for you to sign away your wallet on a dotted line.

Scams and schemes are all over the place, and while they may not be some shoddy-looking man in a suit hoping to take you for a ride, they manifest in different ways.

Ever heard of "convenience fees?"

They're everywhere, and we all seem to have to be okay with them.

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People Break Down The Least Suspicious Way To Get Their Significant Other's Ring Size
Sergey Mikheev/Unsplash

Confession: I love proposals. To a possibly unhealthy level.

Seeing someone be into someone enough to voluntarily be with them very early in the morning (like pre-coffee early, for you hot bean water addicts) every day for forever ... it's a beautiful thing that warms the icy cockles of my jaded little heart!

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