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When visiting any place for the first time you want to do your best with the locals and the culture.

You're a guest.

Whether it's someone'e home or if it's as vast as the scope of the entire country.

You want to experience all you can while being respectful.

So let's discuss hitting up America for the first time.

RedditorPraglikwanted to share some must knows for the people whole and visit our land.They asked:

"Americans of Reddit, what's something anyone visiting the US for the first time absolutely must know about or be aware of?"
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Foreigners Explain Which State They'd Most Like To Visit In The U.S.
Photo by Joey Csunyo on Unsplash

America the great.

Fifty states plus Puerto Rico.

There is definitely a lot to see.

You have to wonder what visitor's lists look like.

What are the most popular places to see?

I know in NYC it's the shopping sales tax.

But let's do a little traveling.

RedditorCole-On-Cancerwanted to hear what American sites are on the agenda when visiting. So they asked:

"Non-Americans of Reddit, what state would you want to visit the most?"
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House Guests Reveal The Weirdest Thing They've Seen Someone Casually Do In Their Own Home
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Visiting people, particularly friends, can be a great time to bond and create lasting memories... that is until you see your host do something rather weird in their own home. (Or maybe that's its own kind of memory.)

Redditor Jubilantjerk gave us today's burning question when they reached out to the online community and asked: "What's the strangest thing you've ever seen someone casually do while you were in their home?"

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