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A globe
Lucas George Wendt/Unsplash

Different parts of the world are characterized by diversity and culture.

It's what makes us all unique.

But sometimes, it's those differences that can seem perplexing to those who don't have an open mind.

And instead of trying to be enlightened by foreign customs that are "normal", they can be perceived as "strange" or "weird" by outsiders.

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People Explain Which Things Are Considered Disrespectful In Their Country
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Not everywhere is the same as America, coming as a big surprise to no one.

Every country hands down their own customs and ways of living, built over centuries, sometimes even millennia, of interactions and societal preferences.

You might encounter these while traveling, forcing you to make a simple decision that could either please someone or make them incredibly frustrated.

Just remember, keep an open mind and never worry about asking:

"Do I take my shoes off or leave them on?"
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People Break Down The Historical Lies That People Still Believe To Be True
ArtCoreStudios from Pixabay

The problem with history is we never get to see how any of it turns out until long after the fact.

Who was right? Who was wrong?

Was 2020 the worst year of the current century?

We'll never live long enough to know the answers to these questions (except that last one, because, come on, this past year was horrendous) but the following entries have people already breaking down some well-known historical lies.

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People Share Which Superstitions Are So Ingrained In Society We Do Them Without A Second Thought

D Dipasupil
/ Contributor via Getty Images

Everyone is at least a bit superstitious. The particulars might differ depending on where you grew up, but all human cultures have Superstitions of one sort or another.

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Not that there is anything wrong with routine or tradition but we have to admit some repeated behavior... i.e, "tradition," is just outdated, overdone and over. And often it has been brought to light that some actions of inhumanity are disguised as tradition and they must be impeded.

Redditor astralrig96 wanted to discuss what age old musts should be done away with by asking...

Which tradition needs to die?
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