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Parents Break Down Their Toddlers' Biggest Meltdowns
Yuri Shirota on Unsplash

"Don't touch me or my skin!" is a legendary battle cry in my family, courtesy of a frustrated and dramatic then-three-year-old.

She wanted to be picked up and cuddled, but also not touched in any way shape or form.

Honestly - same, fam.

Like... it's impossible but also I totally get it.

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'Waddle Faster Mommy' And Other Brutal Things Kids Have Said
Donnie Ray Jones/Flickr

Kids don't have a filter. Seriously: They don't––and they can sometimes say things that are brutal, surprising, and even inappropriate.

Today's burning question comes from Redditor illVent, who asked the online community: "What was the most brutal thing you heard a kid say?"

We're going to say "Ouch!" in advance.

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Parents Reveal The Most Illogical Meltdown Their Toddler's Had Yet

There's just no rhyme and reason to a toddler's moods sometimes. They're tempestuous creatures: Be kinder to them: They don't know what the hell's going on most of the time.

The meltdowns, as you can imagine, can run the gamut from annoying to downright hilarious, as Redditor mirarom discovered when they asked parents, "Redditors with toddlers, what's the most recent illogical breakdown they've had?" These parents thankfully still have their senses of humor intact.

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