things that should be free

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I understand how the world works. I am a fan of capitalism and commerce.

And no, everything from cars to clothes shouldn't just be handed out like a lollipop at a doctor's office.

But there are some things in life intended for everyone to have access to.

At the rate we're going, I just know some fool is trying to figure out how to charge us for the air we breathe.

I like capitalism, I despise greed.

RedditorXanduhwanted to make a list of all the things that really shouldn't be monetized, they asked:

"What should be free?"
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People Break Down Which Things In Life Should Be Absolutely Free
Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

I understand capitalism and more often than not, I am a fan. I understand that nothing in life is free and you get what you pay for, also, everyone's time is worth something. And I fully comprehend that taxes are necessary to fund our cities and our basic ways of life. I am clear on a ton of that. However, there are just certain, basic, obvious things in life that shouldn't have a price tag. There is enough money to go around for a few free things. And I'm not alone in this opinion.

Redditor u/starep wanted everyone to share about what things in life should be available to all without a monetary value attached by asking... What should be free?
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