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People Recount The Most Profound Thing Their Therapist Ever Said

Reddit user lilmizzvalz asked: 'What is a profound statement your therapist has told you?'

Therapist offering advice to client
Photo by Mark Williams on Unsplash

Whether it's in a traditional therapy session or not, we all need advice from time to time.

But sometimes during therapy, some truly profound statements may be made that the client will never forget.

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There’s no question that therapy is one of the most helpful treatment methods with regard to emotional hardship, trauma, or mental health. A licensed therapist is full of good advice.

They can show you some smaller forms of therapy you can implement, defense mechanisms you can use, or even tell you what you need to hear.

A therapist once asked my friend, "Is there data to support that fear?" It is now the question of the day every day at work. Therapists can be brilliant!

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You do what you can to help someone.

That's the job of many therapists, hoping to held lead their patient down the path of self-help and rehabilitation. No matter what difficulties arise, you stay the course, helping them find the answers and providing possible solutions they need.

Sometimes, however, that path gets cut short when the therapist realizes their patient is beyond help. What can you do when there's literally nothing to do?

*The following article contains discussion of suicide/self-harm.

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Therapy Patients Divulge The Red Flags For Bad Therapists
Alexander Pemberton on Unsplash

I have a good therapist—she's great. She listens to me, she is kind, attentive.

We even laugh and she occasionally shares tidbits about her life. She's awesome and I am thankful that she has helped me work out a lot of issues I had with my mental health.

I have had a couple of bad therapists in the past, though, so finding my current therapist was like finding a diamond in the rough.

The difference in how we approach our sessions compared to how other therapists approached our sessions is like night and day. For one thing, she doesn't talk over me or belittle me.

Yeah.. I've been there. It's not fun.

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People Confess The Best Thing They Ever Learned From Their Therapist
Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Self-care has become a relatively hot topic of discussion within the last several years. Being open, and honest, about what you're going through mentally and the types of help you're receiving is important, as it can help others feel more comfortable with searching for any kind of help they might need.

With so many therapists, and so many disccusision points, it's great we can share the biggest takeaways we've learned from our sessions online.

One of the few good things the internet is for.

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