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Scientists Break Down What They Suspect To Be True But Can't Yet Prove
Julia Koblitz on Unsplash

The scientific method is often presented as a straightforward process. First, scientists have to form a hypothesis before testing and trying to disprove it. And if they do manage to do that through experimentation, then they need to revise their hypothesis... and start all over again!

Science evolves – and there are many fields where research is ongoing. What we know today might look totally different tomorrow as new discoveries are made. That's what makes science so fascinating, particularly to those who dedicate their lives to it.

As you can imagine, there are many questions in the scientific community that scientists would love to see tackled and answered.

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A good conspiracy theory has just enough grains of truth in it, and is just this side of impossible enough that maybe, just maybe it might be plausible.

It should also probably not be something easily disprovable (looking at you, flat earth.)

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Evil is very, very real and it lives among us. There are far too many tv shows, movies, literature and podcasts reporting on so many vile and depraved acts. We all have a few degrees of separation from the topic of murder. We either know someone directly or of someone whose life has been taken in gruesome fashion. And half the time we are all turned into super sleuths with the answer to the crime. If only we could prove it. (One day Carole Baskin)

Redditor u/violetgnome wanted to discuss some of humanity's darkest mysteries we maybe able to solve by asking.... What unsolved murder are you sure you have the answer to and what is the answer?
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Former Flat Earthers Reveal What Made Them Change Their Perspective

I know what you're thinking... "Yeah right, there's no way there are any EX flat earthers out there..." I had the same thought when I first saw the Reddit thread I'm about to share with you. But it turns out, there are - and they're much more willing to speak than people might think.

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