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"Toy Story" action figures observe a boy wearing a Captain America backpack.
Chris Hardy/Unsplash

Disney films hold a special place in people's hearts.

Iconic animated films like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Peter Pan have transcended time and continue to enchant new generations while contemporary classics like Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin revived the genre when Disney struggled through an uninspired transition during rough economic times.

All of these films regardless of the decade in which they dazzled moviegoers have one thing in common. They inspire hope through the empowering message that the love of family and friends endure in even the toughest of times.

But underneath all the magic, dreams coming true, and happily ever afters, some plot points may have been more sinister than the conflicts presented to our beloved protagonists in the final cut.

Fans have explored fascinating theories that may have driven the storyline that was absent from the animators' storyboards.

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Scientists Break Down What They Suspect To Be True But Can't Yet Prove
Julia Koblitz on Unsplash

The scientific method is often presented as a straightforward process. First, scientists have to form a hypothesis before testing and trying to disprove it. And if they do manage to do that through experimentation, then they need to revise their hypothesis... and start all over again!

Science evolves – and there are many fields where research is ongoing. What we know today might look totally different tomorrow as new discoveries are made. That's what makes science so fascinating, particularly to those who dedicate their lives to it.

As you can imagine, there are many questions in the scientific community that scientists would love to see tackled and answered.

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Humanity has come up with some pretty interesting theories over the years.

Some are definitely more interesting than others.

Some of them are just downright terrifying.

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People Explain Which Theories They're Convinced Are True But Cannot Prove
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Life is full of suspicions and theories that we'll never be able to prove in concrete but are just obvious. I'm not talking about wild conspiracy, but thoughts that make sense without a shadow of a doubt. Just lacking tangible evidence. Which can sound like wild conspiracy.

Think about aliens, ghosts, unsolved murders, all situations we know we have validation, but... do we have solid receipts? The everlasting issue. Let's break it all down.

Redditoru/Lazy-Apewanted to dive into what we know deep down are facts, no matter what others say, by asking:

What are you convinced is true but cannot prove?
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Doctoral Candidates Who Couldn't Defend Their Thesis Explain Just What Happened
Image by khamkhor from Pixabay

Defending your thesis is no joke. I've had friends crack up while preparing. It plays out like an episode of "Defend Your Life." In many cases you are defending your life. Your thesis is more than words on a page, it's a fundamental belief that you've been working towards for years. Everything learned and gained has had a part to play in the birth of that brief. So it can be gut wrenching and life altering when you find yourself at a loss in it's moment of reckoning.

Redditor u/dexMiloyev wanted to know about the times as a student when many of us were left.... stumped by asking.... Doctoral candidates who couldn't defend their thesis, what happened?
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