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People Share The Coping Mechanisms They Had To Un-Learn After Leaving A Toxic Relationship

Toxic relationships can have an affect on a person for ages - even after they are no longer in that situation. People learn survival techniques based on what's likely to earn them the smallest amount of scorn or abuse possible. Those coping mechanisms may be what we have to do in toxic situations, but when it's time to enter the world of healthy relationships those same coping mechanisms can be the proverbial iceberg to our Titanic.

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People Reveal Which Characters They See Completely Differently In Adulthood

Scooby and Buffy will always be true to form! No matter what!

The things we believe we see when looking through the prism of innocence. We watch our favorite characters, whether they be fiction or flesh and bone, on the daily in childhood and they make us feel safe or euphoric.

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Lucky People Almost Caught In The Wrong Place, Wrong Time Reveal What Happened

Life is full of surprises and this is something we can all relate to. The wrong place and the wrong time! If you have ever been so unfortunate to be in this position, these stories will resonate with you.

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