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People Confess The Biggest Mistake From Their Teenage Years
Photo by Alex Guillaume on Unsplash

People make mistakes their whole lives; it's just a fact.

But it's always true that those mistakes happen more often, and usually on a larger scale when you're a teenager.

That's because, once you become a teenager, you feel grown up and invincible, when the truth is, you're still learning, still growing, and still human.

Even the most successful and put-together people can look back on their teen years and cringe at the mistakes they made.

When I was a teenager, I made horrible choices, from stealing my mother's credit card to letting my wild child best friend shear off my hair. At least I learned my lesson!

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We stan a slang queen. Don't know what that means? Yeah, me either.

The kids in our lives have one sacred job--to impart upon us adults the newest trends and make sure we are down with the newest lingo.

Unfortunately that is a far more difficult job than it would appear to be and our poor kids have their work cut out for them.

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