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Being a teenager is a hot mess of a situation. I wouldn't do it again unless you paid me BIG BUCKS!

I did everything as wrong as possible, And then I grew up.

I still do a lot wrong. But I'm wiser.

Being a teen makes you take chances that can change life forever. Be careful.

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Adults Explain Which Things Every Teenager Should Know
Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

We often look back on our teenage years with mixed emotions.

Our final years where we could enjoy our youth, and live largely without responsibility and just enjoy being a child and all that came with it.

Of course, we might also look back on things we did as teenagers which we are less than proud of today.

Or things we wish someone had told us, so that we may have avoided falling into those unhappy situations.

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People Explain Which Things Today's Teens Aren't Ready To Hear
Photo by Jed Villejo on Unsplash

Being a teenager comes with several ups and downs.

Perhaps the biggest downside of one's teenage years, is the looming reality of adulthood being just around the corner.

That the time when you can no longer depend on your parents as a safety net, and must eventually start supporting yourself is fast approaching.

Of course, most teenagers will choose to ignore this reality, and cherish each moment of their vanishing youth.

As a result, they might not react too kindly when being faced with certain information, if they're even willing to hear it.

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People Confess The Biggest Mistake From Their Teenage Years
Photo by Alex Guillaume on Unsplash

People make mistakes their whole lives; it's just a fact.

But it's always true that those mistakes happen more often, and usually on a larger scale when you're a teenager.

That's because, once you become a teenager, you feel grown up and invincible, when the truth is, you're still learning, still growing, and still human.

Even the most successful and put-together people can look back on their teen years and cringe at the mistakes they made.

When I was a teenager, I made horrible choices, from stealing my mother's credit card to letting my wild child best friend shear off my hair. At least I learned my lesson!

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People Share Their Best Tips For Teenagers

One's teenage years are almost guaranteed to come with ups and downs.

With adulthood fast approaching, many spend those years enjoying their vanishing youth and living life to the fullest.

All the while undergoing significant physical and emotional change.

So, it's natural that everyone looks back on several fond memories of being a teenager, along with things we try to forget, or wish we handled differently.

As a result, we can't help but wish we could go back and give advice to our younger selves.

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