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Teen mom with baby
Photo by Kyle Nieber on Unsplash

When people hear the term "teen mom," there are typically negative connotations that come to mind.

But in the Reddit community, all kinds of experiences have been had involving teen moms, both positive and negative.

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People Explain Which Teen Movies Made Them Think 'The Older I Get, The More I Agree With The Adult'
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

There's a fairly common formula in movies geared toward a teenage audience.

A group of teenagers face one central conflict, to varying degrees of importance and severity, but manage to solve it in a surprisingly short manner of time.

The heroes of these films are usually a hodgepodge of traditional high school archetypes (star athlete, math nerd, girl whose beauty is disguised by a pair of glasses), all of whom the intended audience can completely relate to and root for.

And then we have the adult characters, who are often buffoonish stereotypes, or the outright villain, whose sole mission is to ensure the protagonist will not achieve their ultimate goal.

As teenagers, we often find ourselves ready to boo these grown-ups from the minute they appear on the screen.

But when we revisit these movies as adults, we find ourselves noticing that their behavior isn't quite as bad as we remembered.

Or, more shockingly, we actually find ourselves rooting for them!

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High school... how the trauma follows everyone.

Who has a perfect high school experience?

I wish I could do it all again.

I would've listened more.

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People Divulge How Their 15-Year-Old Self Would React To The Life They're Living Now
Photo by Aedrian on Unsplash

As teenagers, we have all sorts of ideas of what our life will be like when we grow up.

Living in our dream home, with our dream spouse and working at our dream job, essentially without a fear or care in the world.

Needless to say, life doesn't always turn out the way we expect it to.

Leading us to wonder, how would our teenage selves react to the lives we currently lead?

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People Describe The First Time They Remember Feeling Like An Adult
Ben den Engelsen/Unsplash

In the US, teenagers technically become adults at 18, an age when they are presumably able to make decisions for themselves and establish independence.

But some teenagers feel they've emotionally and mentally reached maturity before being of legal age, and for some, long after.

Maybe it was a life-changing event or some kind of turning point that make these young adults feel like they are wise beyond their years.

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