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People Divulge The Weirdest 'Flex' They Brag About
Photo by Robert McGowan on Unsplash

Accomplishments prove we tried to do something and did something.

A little flex every now and again doesn't hurt.

I did this.

I tried this.

It proves we lived.

Just don't be arrogant about your success, but sometimes you want to show off just a little.

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People Confess The Most Useless Skill They Possess
Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

Everyone has a few special secret talents.

The only reason we keep them quiet is because they don't make us money.

So we all have efficient party tricks.

It's just like having a brain full of useless information.

But you never know when that info may land you on Jeopardy.

So how useless is it all?

Our silly skills could get us on some reality show.

Redditor Billa_420 wanted everyone to share about all the talents they possess that don't seem to get them any richer in life. They asked:

"What is the most useless skill you have??"
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People Break Down The Most Underrated Television Shows
Photo by Nabil Saleh on Unsplash

Back in the day, the generations before us only had five channels, or less to chose from for their tv entertainment.

And even then there were stills shows that got overlooked, thank goodness for the idea of implementing reruns.

Now here we are, with more television than we'll ever be able to watch. Thousands of shows on thousands of channels, worldwide.

So of course, tons of great work will go unnoticed. But maybe we can remedy a few situations.

Let's help some shows find an audience...

Redditor Plus_Bison_7091 wanted to make some noise about all the tv shows that have been criminally neglected, they asked:

"What is the most underrated tv series that barely anyone knows?"
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People Break Down Which Actors Are Guilty Of Playing The Same Exact Character In Every Film
Image by graham wizardo from Pixabay

Art is subjective. We all don't agree on what is a superlative and what is not. So when it comes to judging acting and thespians it can be difficult. Some people are decent and entertaining because we enjoy their same old shtick. But you can't all that range. Some actors make a brand and a fortune playing the same part on repeat. It's not a sin but it's also not... "Oscarworthy."

Redditor u/HotfoxK wanted to discuss the thespians that seem to repeat performance by asking.... What actor is the most guilty of playing the same exact character every film?
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People Explain Which Things They're Great At But Hate Doing

Why can't we all be brilliant at making tons of money doing only things that make us happy? And things that are easy? Why do we have to be gifted at things that drive us crazy? It's infuriating but it's life. We all find ourselves in certain situations were we realize... damn at good at this. WHYYYY?!?!?! (Said tons of waiters everywhere!)

Redditor u/BananaRepublew wanted to know what talents they regret having the ability to perfect by asking.... What are you good at, but hate doing?

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