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Anesthesiologists Share The Craziest Things Patients Have Said Under The Influence Of Medication
Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash

Some of these modern medicines can really pack a wallop.

Remember that Taylor Swift video her mom took of her?

That was too good.

Patients teeter between a laugh riot and a hideous, dramatic mess.

Either way, it's pretty entertaining.

Redditor DvS_Insanity wanted to hear about what we all mumble when under the influence before surgery. They asked:

"Anesthesiologists of Reddit, what was something you won’t forget hearing from someone that was under?"
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Hospitals are supposed to be places of healing and comfort.

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Surgeons Break Down The Most Messed Up Thing They've Ever Seen In A Patient's Body
Image by Sergei Belozerov from Pixabay

What in the world are people doing with their spare time? Some of us are not treating our bodies like a temple, we're treating it like a garbage dump. I'm nervous to get my ears re-pierced, I can't imagine shoving, anything, in any place of my body just for kicks.

That's why I am fascinated and horrified when I hear stories out of an ER or surgery. I have many friends in the medical field and the things they have witnessed, even "Grey's Anatomy" writers would be baffled.

Do people really not care about death that much? Because I'm terrified. It's why I won't swallow swords or fire. At the very least. Clearly others feel differently.

Redditor u/TheFatDuck_YT wanted to know about the times medical staff has been left speechless by inner body discoveries, by asking:

Surgeons of Reddit, what is the most f**ked up thing seen in someone's body?
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Doctors Break Down The Weirdest Thing They've Ever Found In A Patient's Body
Image by Rafael Juárez from Pixabay

I could never be a doctor, it's just too disgusting. And that's just the every day to day of it all.

I couldn't imagine all the extras, like finding things in patients that are off the wall crazy.

Like what in the world are people putting in their bodies? That's why there are warning labels on just about everything.

I use to think some warnings were an overkill, but clearly I was mistaken. Brace yourselves kids, the body is full of surprises.

Redditor u/sleeplessegg1 wanted doctors out there to share with us about some "odd" discoveries by asking:

Doctors of Reddit, what was the weirdest thing you even seen in someone's body?
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People Explain How They Got Their Most Prominent Scar
Image by msumuh from Pixabay

We all like to assume that a big old scar has an amazing, hardcore story behind it: maybe a valiant fight or some life threatening-escape.

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