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People Divulge Which Things Are Socially Unacceptable Unless Done By A Professional
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

We have no problem paying highly skilled, trained professionals to do the unique, difficult-to-tackle jobs for us. That's not the issue. The issue is if someone tries to do the thing others are paid and given time to learn to do without any of the training required. You ever try to check someone's teeth on public transit?

This is why we hire professionals.

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Being a doctor is an extraordinary job. Everyday you are in life and death situations and when the stakes are that high you never forget. Sometimes it is often similar to 'Grey's Anatomy'.... danger and adrenaline are running rampant. And sometimes, sadly, the patient is the enemy.

Redditor u/inlovewithspace asked doctors to share about the times that may have gotten them a little nervous by wondering..... Psychiatrists/psychologists/therapists/doctors of reddit - what was the most dangerous moment you have lived through while with a patient?
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Surgeons Share The Dumbest Thing They've Ever Had To Remove From A Patient
Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

The things that the people in the medical people see on the regular could haunt the dreams and days of an average person. What are some of us thinking? How in the world do we get certain foreign objects in our bodies? And most of the time the craziest things we implant are when we're stone cold sober. Why is humanity like this?! Stop sticking things were they don't belong!

Redditor u/ZenyatasBalls96 wanted to hear from the surgeons out there regarding the dopes they've treated by asking..... Surgeons of Reddit, what was the dumbest thing you had to remove from someone?

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Sudden injuries have worse timing than dirty jokes during a funeral eulogy.

So when painful disaster strikes, people usually just keep on keepin' on until someone passes out, there's blood everywhere, or at least one person wakes up in a speeding ambulance.

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Dad Didn't Want His Son Feeling Alone For Having A Scar From Surgery As An Infant, So He Got A Tattoo Of One On His Own Chest
@joejones1897 / Twitter

How people show their love and support for others comes in all shapes and forms.

Some will visit their new mom friend to make sure they're doing okay and will help with the laundry.

Some will send a sweet "thinking of you" card to a loved one.

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