stupid questions

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People Break Down The Stupidest Question They've Ever Been Asked

Are you seriously asking that with a straight face?

It's like people really have no filter in their brains. It is astonishing to witness what sort of verbal diarrhea will spew from the mouths of humans sometimes. I know that curiosity is a natural process but some questions beg to remind people that curiosity killed the cat. Also, too many answers are just a given, so it leaves you wondering how someone just asked what they just asked as they seem to function in life.

Redditor u/MHK786 wanted to hear some of the "odd" questions many of us have been asked that made us to a face palm by wondering..... They say there are no stupid question, but what's the most stupid question you have ever been asked?
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People Divulge The Stupidest Question They've Ever Been Asked
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Ever hear the phrase, "there are no stupid questions"? Well I'm here to tell you--that simply isn't true. Some questions that people get are just jaw-droppingly dumb, whether that be because they have obvious answers, or are just plain insensitive. Here are some of Reddit's stupidest questions.

u/TheOrangeM asked: What's the stupidest question someone ever asked you?

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