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The Creepiest 'Glitches In The Matrix' People Have Ever Experienced
Photo by Fran Jacquier on Unsplash

Life is fulled of things we can't explain.

Time. People. Dreams. The dark. The Unknown.

When life feels a little off... like a tape being paused because we're all part of a 'Truman Show' experiment, it's because it probably is.

Then the reset.

But resets don't go unnoticed.

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People Share Their Scariest 'We Need To Leave Right Now' Experiences
Jose Antonio Gallego Vazquez /Unsplash

There are few things in the world as surreal or unsettling as the sudden realization that you need to get away, and you need to get away now.

That building dread, rush of fear, and jolt adrenaline is one of those things you see in movies, or you hear talked about in self-defense classes, but there's nothing like experiencing it yourself.

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People Break Down Their Creepiest Encounters With The Paranormal
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

I hate ghosts, even if it's Casper. My life is already stressful enough. I don't need to creeped out by spirits from the beyond. Shouldn't they be resting and basking in the glow of the great beyond instead of menacing the rest of us?

The paranormal seems to be consistently in unrest, which sounds like death isn't any more fun or tranquil than life. So much for something to look forward to.

Some ghosts just like to scare it up. It's not always like "Ghosthunters" the show.

Redditor u/Murky-Increase4705 wanted to hear about all the times we've faced some hauntings that left us shook, by asking:

Reddit, what are your creepy encounters with something that you are convinced was paranormal?
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Campers Describe The Creepiest Thing That Has Ever Happened To Them In The Wilderness
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

I have never understood the fascination with running around the wilderness. The wilderness is dirty.

There are bugs and snakes and wild animals that will eat you alive. I've been asked many times to spend the night in a tent.

On the floor. Laying on the hard soil. Does that sound sexy? I think not.

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People Divulge Their Absolute Biggest Fear
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

As FDR once said, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself". But I beg to differ--I have every right to be afraid of heights. I have every right to be too scared to go to the Empire State Building, and cry every time I play a VR game that involves being on the top of fake buildings. The fear is real, y'all.

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