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The Dead Giveaways That Someone Is An Only Child

Reddit user imlovegina asked: 'What is a dead giveaway that someone is an only child?'

A lot has been written about birth order among siblings and how it affects personality.

Not that everyone agrees on the effects.

Some say the oldest is the family rebel, while others say they're the ultimate conformist and rule follower.

Others assign those roles to the middle child.

But pretty much everyone agrees the youngest child is spoiled.

So does that mean an only child takes all those dynamics to form their personality?

The folks of Reddit sure has some thoughts on the matter.

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Some children get everything handed to them on a silver platter by their parents.

Resulting in their spending their living life without a care in the world, and seemingly zero consequences, and more often than not, full of entitlement.

Some might call these children the luckiest in the world?

But are they?

After all, most of these parents will eventually cut their children off when it's time to enter the real world.

Resulting in their being faced with a cold, hard dose of reality they were not prepared for.

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People Share The Best Times The Real World Caught Up With A Spoiled Brat
Photo by Ashley Jurius on Unsplash

Passive revenge is the best medicine for bullying.

Passive revenge is when you sit back and let the world take its course. And the people who deserve it--it usually happens to them. And when it does, it's ohhhhh so satisfying.

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