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People Share Their Alien Abduction Experiences

"Reddit user Churbuddahbread asked: 'People of reddit who have been abducted by aliens. What’s your story?'"

A guy stands on a dock, he holds up a flashlight into the night sky, stargazing
Photo by Dino Reichmuth

Are we alone as a species in this vast universe?

Could there be life on other planets?

These are questions we've all wondered about.

And truth be told, we probably always will.

Some say they know aliens exist because they've been with them.

They've been taken and interviewed.

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The universe is majestic. It's also quite terrifying.

Think about it: At the end of the day, does any of this even matter? We just so happen to be the "lucky ones" to exist on a floating rock that revolves around a fiery orb situated in a vast ocean of stillness and nothingness.

Wild, huh? Just wait until we tell you how deadly asteroids can be...

Of course, space is far more scary than that. We haven't even begun to scratch the surface.

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People Share The Most Amazing Facts They Know About The Universe
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

There is so much we don't know about the universe.

So much, in fact, that everything there is to learn about the universe will probably never be discovered.

Mostly because the universe is constantly growing and evolving, leaving us with new things to learn about the universe literally every day.

Constantly filling our minds with uncertainty, sometimes fear, about the otherwise vast unknown.

All of this makes all facts we've discovered about the universe all the more fascinating, whether or not we have even the slightest interest in science.

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People Break Down Which Professions Do Not Allow F**k-Ups
Photo by yns plt on Unsplash

You might think you have it bad at your job, that somehow your career of turning in spreadsheets before the boss goes home for the day or making sure your "deck" is adequately formatted will somehow bring about the end of the world if you don't spend hours on it. (This isn't really taking the weight off anyone's career. Obviously, do your best and all our jobs are important.)

But then you read about jobs like these, where even the slightest misstep could lead to actual death, and suddenly your deck doesn't seem that important anymore.

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People Share The Things People Underestimate The Actual Size Of
Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Size matters.

Get your mind out of the gutter people.

I'm talking on a grander scale.

We think we know how big something is, but we're always shocked to discover actual size.

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