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Just because people have similar genes doesn't mean they have similar tastes.

Twitter user @aalexandriabish knows this better than most.

On July 18, she posted a picture of herself and her sister that went viral online thanks to just how different the pair are.

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Parents Reveal The Biggest Losers Their Kids Have Dated

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

It's the dream of every parent and family member that their loved ones find a significant other who is deserving of them. A person who will love them, care for them, cherish and protect them or at the very least... a person who won't rob them blind and leave their souls broken and in despair. More often than not parents aren't going to just jump on the new boyfriend/girlfriend bandwagon and that can be an arduous, frustrating process but sometimes our loved ones are spot on! They can smell the rat while we're only seeing roses. And it's not easy for anyone involved to make the situation palatable.

Redditor u/eternalsoul116 asked people of Reddit to admit... Who's the biggest loser your son/daughter has dated?

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Working in a corporate environment is not for everyone. Some people thrive in them, others (like me) wilt and start to slowly unravel mentally. But what about those companies who pride themselves on their "alternative" corporate culture? We've all heard about companies that let you bring pets or have slides between floors, but even that isn't enough to keep some people there.

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