silliest things kids believe

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When we're little, we're inclined to believe things that seem ridiculous when we get older. Most of us believed in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy at some point. Many of us believed unicorns existed, or that there were monsters hiding under our beds.

When we were 10, my best friend and I convinced our younger brother that we were spies that went to a special spy school in the middle of the night to train. When I was 12, I managed to convince my soccer camp rival that I was pregnant with a carrot. I'm still not sure how that worked!

The point is, when we're children, we tend to believe a lot of silly, or even stupid things. However, some of us carry some of those stupid beliefs into adulthood.

Reddit users shared some of the stupidest things that they or someone they know still believe thanks to Redditor OnionChan_.

He asked:

"What are the stupidest things that some people believe?"
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People Share The Silliest Thing They Ever Believed As A Kid

You'd have to be that age to believe that crap!

People Share The Silliest Thing They Ever Believed As A Kid

Bobby Bank
/ Contributor via Getty Images

When you're a kid, you'll believe anything. It's true, take a moment and think back to all the "truths" you were fed that turned out to be fiction, engineered to entertain us or keep us in line. It starts with Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy and The Easter Bunny and grows into woven tales of lunacy to stop us from asking about the birds and the bees. Don't feel bad you fell for it, it's a rite of passage.

Redditor u/samstar10 wanted to discuss what "wisdoms" we actually found ourselves being bamboozled by when asking.... What's the dumbest thing you believed as a kid?

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