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Products That Don't Really Work But People Still Buy For Some Reason

Reddit user NoBridge255 asked: 'Which product doesn't work as it should, but people still buy it?'

person using laptop computer to make a credit card purchase on Unsplash

Sometimes we look at a product and think "who would buy that, and why?"

For me the "Flowbee" home haircutting tool comes to mind. If you're unfamiliar, it's a shaver you attached to your vacuum cleaner so you hair was pulled past cutting blades.

It was sold on late night infomercials in the 1990s.

Who wouldn't want to style their hair like this?

Flowbee infomercial GIF Giphy

As fabulous as that looks, results did vary with most veering toward "yikes!" yet by 2000 the company reported 2 million were sold.

And *surprise* you can still buy one—for about $150.

It seems no matter how bad a product is, someone will buy it.

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A shot of a small gift store with a 'final blitz' sign
Photo by Help Stay on Unsplash

There are so many companies and products that have fallen by the wayside as time marched on.

Some companies we never thought we'd live without.

Some, we're glad to see crumble... I'm looking at you Columbia House.

Who else thought CDs for a dollar sounded too good to be true?

It's always surprising when you stumble upon a company or store still open that you could've sworn had shuttered long ago.

If only I could find a Shoney's.

Best breakfast buffet ever!

Because I certainly don't need anymore Amway.

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Photo by 傅甬 华 on Unsplash

Life is chuck full of annoyances.

Every day, in every way there is something or someone ready to set the rest of us off.

This is why we need meds, therapy, and chamomile tea.

When the simplest things can send you into a blind rage, you need a little relaxer.

But what is it about these small things that can cause such a stir?

I mean the world hasn't ended, but it feels like it.

Let's discuss...

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person holding fan of U.S. dollars banknote
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

When I was little, I used to imagine all the things I would buy if I were a billionaire: a fancy car with a driver to go with it (because I was too young to drive back then), a huge mansion with 50 bedrooms, and a personal chef who would cook me pizza anytime I wanted.

While those aren’t the things I want anymore (well, I still do want the house… and the driver), I still have a list of things I would buy if I were a billionaire.

Redditors do as well, and they’re ready to share what the first things on those lists.

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A person holding U.S. dollars in front of their face
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Sometimes we're in a hurry when we're getting our groceries, and in our rush, we decide the self-checkout line might be the faster option.

But frustratingly, sometimes that is not the case.

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