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Group of coworkers holding hands and showing support
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

CW: domestic violence.

People carry biases and false beliefs with them about a broad spectrum of things.

Unfortunately, some of those beliefs involve people, and those beliefs can limit or even hurt them.

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Woman Wonders If She's In The Wrong For Going Out Of Her Way To Deny Sexist Car Salesman His Commission After Infuriating Interaction
Don Mason via Getty Images

A recent car-buying woman quickly found herself at the dealership watching two dudes discuss cars.

If she wanted that, she could've just stayed home and watched Pimp My Ride.

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Mom Calls Out Sexist School Code, Says She May Label Her Son As 'Non-Binary' So She Doesn't Have To Cut His Long Locks

In the UK, one mother is considering labeling her son non-binary after struggling to find schools that will accept boys with long hair.

Bonnie Miller, aka @badmotherblogger on Instagram found herself hitting a major obstacle while deciding where to send her 8-year-old son, Farouk James, for secondary school (what is called Middle and High School in the U.S.).

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Men have feelings too. Men have #Metoo moments as well. And often, those moments are ignored. And that may be controversial to say but it has to be said. Men deal with sexism on the daily and it matters.

Redditor u/Owenn04 wanted men to speak up and help us understand.... Men of Reddit. What is the most "this is sexist" moment you have experienced?

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My man's got this friend named Chad. Chad isn't his real name, but that's what we're going with for this article. Chad is in a relationship that is ... well ... there's a reason Facebook had to come up with the "it's complicated" status. Nobody is happy, they often go out of their way to avoid one another or are forcing performative affection for the 'gram. One night, Chad decided he was going to hide from LadyChad and told her he couldn't see her because he was spending time with us. He then made up a whole elaborate story about drinking wine (which he doesn't normally do) and overdoing it because he really liked it.

Thing is, Chad never told US that he used us as a ridiculously specific cover story.

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