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People Explain Which Things Blew Their Minds Once They Realized Them

"Reddit User r3tr0gam3r83 asked: 'What is something that blew your mind once you realized it?'"

A young chimpanzee looks SHOCKED, jaw open, eyes wide
Photo by Jamie Haughton on Unsplash

Every moment we breathe is a moment to learn something new.

What's funny is the more we learn, the more we're shocked.

Some knowledge is so obvious it's stunning how oblivious we are.

Like, "How did I not know this sooner?'

And no matter what I can still be shocked.

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People Share The Most Amazing Facts They Know About The Universe
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

There is so much we don't know about the universe.

So much, in fact, that everything there is to learn about the universe will probably never be discovered.

Mostly because the universe is constantly growing and evolving, leaving us with new things to learn about the universe literally every day.

Constantly filling our minds with uncertainty, sometimes fear, about the otherwise vast unknown.

All of this makes all facts we've discovered about the universe all the more fascinating, whether or not we have even the slightest interest in science.

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People Explain Which Geniuses Alive Today Would Qualify As A Modern-Day Einstein
Photo by rosario janza on Unsplash

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the smartest of them all?

Who is today's best and brightest?

Are they in charge of Mensa?

There are a lot of brilliant people in the world.

But if we can compare; who measures up to the greats?

Two words: Albert Einstein.

The new generation.

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People Break Down The Biggest Myths They Learned In School That Were Later Disproved

Let's face it, we were lied to in school with some of the lessons we were taught.

When we grow up and learn the errors of our ways, we must then strive to relearn the things we thought we know.

How do these myths in education even get started?

It feels like we really shouldn't start listening to anything significant until college.

That's why I stopped paying attention in middle school.

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People Break Down Which Things They Genuinely Do Not Understand

Life is a mystery full of mysteries.

Some we'll finally get, some will stay a conundrum forever.

Sometimes no matter how much we study or agonize over a piece of information, it just doesn't click.

But that's okay, we're all here to commiserate.

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