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People Share Their Scariest 'We Need To Leave Right Now' Experiences
Jose Antonio Gallego Vazquez /Unsplash

There are few things in the world as surreal or unsettling as the sudden realization that you need to get away, and you need to get away now.

That building dread, rush of fear, and jolt adrenaline is one of those things you see in movies, or you hear talked about in self-defense classes, but there's nothing like experiencing it yourself.

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People Who've Been Homeless Share Their Scariest Stories
Image by Лечение наркомании from Pixabay

Many people take having a roof over their heads for granted.

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Soldiers Describe The Scariest Thing They've Ever Experienced

Far from home, trained to commit violence on a second's notice, and protecting ready to give their lives to maintain our current way of life, soldiers face a brutal task every single day.

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People Describe The Scariest Person They've Ever Met
Image by Nick Magwood from Pixabay

Most of us have met people in our lives that just set off instant alarms or gave us the jibblies. Maybe they didn't even do anything, maybe they never even spoke to you.

But something in you just ... knew...

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People Share The Scariest Theories They've Ever Heard
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

This article is full of disturbing and unnerving theories.

There's a lot of talk about heavy topics like "good" and "bad" ways to die, worldwide catastrophic events, etc.

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