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Most towns have a story to tell.

After decades of Dateline NBC, 20/20, 48 Hours and ID Discovery... what town is left without a story?

There is always a moment or a person of infamy.

It's tragic, but true.

Scandal makes the world go round.

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The Worst Scandals At Their School According To Students
Photo by MChe Lee on Unsplash

School can be a hotbed of craziness.

We all of course assume students will cause drama, but what about the adults?

It's all a powderkeg of scandalous possibility.

Olivia Pope herself couldn't spin some of the stories that come out of high school.

And a lot of towns are rocked by school scandals.

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The Wildest Family Tea That Was Finally Spilled
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Why do families keep secrets?

The truth will always finds a way home.

And it will of course be exposed at the most inopportune time.

Make sure you have a journal and write this stuff down.

It could be comedy/drama gold.

The tea is scolding, throw it at me.

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They leave out so many juicy tidbits when teaching history.

Even when we get into college years, there is still a ton you don't hear about until you're a senior citizen.

There should be a "History: XXX" class.

I had to suffer through World Civ. Geesh.

A little extra naughty goes a long way in education.

So tells us some sassy secrets.

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People Confess The Darkest Secrets They've Learned About Their Family
Photo by Uta Scholl on Unsplash

Every family has a past.

We all think we want to know our family's tales.

But that journey can be riddled with horrors.

You don't always want to find yourself saying....

"I wish I didn't know that."

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