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Incredibly Dangerous Things Everyone Assumes Are Safe

Reddit user Deviant55-11 asked: 'What’s really dangerous but everyone treats it like it’s safe?'

black and yellow poison sign

Mikael Seegen on Unsplash

There are things on Earth that are clearly dangerous: flash floods, wildfires, tornados, hurricanes, Australia...

But there are also things that people think are completely safe that can be deadly.

Sometimes it's because of the appearance of the dangerous thing. Humans tend to trust cute and cuddly looking fauna and beautiful flora.

Looks can be deceiving though.

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People drinking at a party.
Photo by John Arano on Unsplash

Much as we may try to avoid them, it's hard not to find ourselves in situations we would rather not be in.

In some cases, we have no other choice but to persevere and let the moment pass, however uncomfortable or irritating the situation is.

Other times, we know that the only thing to do is leave, right then and there, without looking back.

Even if it means leaving mid-conversation with someone, we know in our gut that there is truly nothing to do but leave immediately.

As our health and safety could be at risk.

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Sometimes, we truly never know how lucky we are.

Particularly when we might be disappointed to have missed out on something, only to learn after the fact that it was something of a miracle we did.

As the saying goes, we "dodged a bullet".

This could be for something trivial, like being late for a concert owing to traffic, only to find out it was a real stinker, or having to cancel a trip, only to discover how terrible the weather was the whole time you would have been there.

In other cases, the bullet you dodged may have been an actual life or death situation.

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Signs Teachers Use To Tell If A Student Lives In An Abusive Or Toxic Environment
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

Teachers are often regarded as heroes.

Though they might not possess superpowers, or put their lives in danger on an ongoing basis, teachers have a way of influencing the lives of others in ways they can never imagine.

Of course, there are teachers who do literally save lives.

As they are the teachers who help students who are being abused at home out of toxic and dangerous situations.

Doing so without ever being explicitly told, but rather by noticing their students behavior, or reading between the lines in their work.

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People Break Down Which Things They'd Like To See Invented In Their Lifetime
Photo by Julia Zyablova on Unsplash

It's amazing to think of all the inventions and advancements we've seen over the course of time.

Smart phones, automated check out machines, electric powered cars.

In this modern age of technology and science, it's rare for a year to go by without a major new invention.

Seeing every new invention with each passing year only leads us to wonder, what does the future have in store?

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