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The Absolute Worst Ways People Have Seen Someone Ruin A Date

Reddit user Fun_Willingness5995 asked: 'What was a time in which a date was going well, but the other person ruined it?'

Couple sitting on park bench with their backs to us
Charlie Foster/Unsplash

Finding the perfect romantic partner that lasts beyond the first couple of dates can seem like catching lightning in a bottle.

While many love connections are made online, taking things to the next level and meeting the prospective significant other in person can wind up being a completely different experience.

Sometimes it's hit or miss.

Let's focus on the misses.

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Every day, people are faced with small choices like what clothes to wear or what to make for breakfast.

They make their day-to-day decisions without thinking too hard, and the result isn't something that can drastically alter their lives.

But there are some decisions that can take a devastating turn that wind up being self-sabotaging.

Maybe they should've considered their decision more carefully.

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Insane Ruined Wedding Stories As Told By Guests
Photo by Álvaro CvG on Unsplash

As much every bride and groom might hope, the chances of everything going completely as planned on their wedding day is unlikely to happen.

In most cases, however, the bride and groom won't care, as nothing can spoil the happiest day of their lives when they commit to one another.

In rare cases, however, something might go terribly wrong.

So wrong, in fact, that it might be the only thing guests who were present at the wedding will be talking about for years to come.

Arguably ruining the wedding.

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People Confess Which Ingredient Absolutely Ruins A Meal For Them
Alyson McPhee/Unsplash

Regular readers know I can't get enough of watching Reddit argue about food.

No matter what else is going on in the world, we can almost always count on the passionate love/hate for a food to unite the people.

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People Explain What Ruined Something They Once Loved
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Why do we always have to mess with a good thing?

If something isn't broken, don't fix it.

I know, I sound one hundred years old.

I get technology and life move forward and evolution in all areas is key, but some changes are not always for the better.

Redditor MikiTheOnlyOne wanted everyone to vent about the joys in life that have been stolen. They asked:

"What was ruined that was once so good?"
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