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You're always on a mission to impress at a job interview.

As a result, you want to have a number of qualifications to share in your back pocket that might not otherwise be listed on your resume.

After all, showing off your strengths and skill sets is a surefire way to get the job.

But can one of your weaknesses be equally impressive?

Strange as it may seem, sometimes admitting where you don't excel, or where you might need to learn from those more experienced, might see you progress to another round of interviews more than showing off your strengths.

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Bosses Reveal The Worst Thing They've Ever Seen On A Resume

A resume or a CV are extremely important for the hiring process. It brings to light where you've been and where you hope to keep going. You get a sense of the person's skill set and what they would bring to the company.

But then resumes can go horribly, horribly wrong. Some things should never be told, let alone bragged about.

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Maybe people would think twice about lying on their resume if they knew it could result in jail time. In Greece, an unnamed woman who's been working as a cleaner at a school for the past 18 years has been fired and now faces jail time for that very crime.

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