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The Biggest Mistakes People Make In Relationships

Reddit user Valuable-Ad440 asked: 'What do you think is the biggest mistake people make in relationships?'

Person holding out paper heart to another person
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Dating experiences can be incredibly fun and even formative, but it can also be full of tough and painful lessons.

With each relationship, we're bound to learn things that we don't like or aren't looking for in our next partner.

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There's a lot we don't know about women. Where do they hibernate? How do they keep warm in the winter? When they shed their skin can you make a belt out of it?

Oh, excuse me, I seem to have left open my copy of the Animal Encyclopedia.

There is a bit of a learning curve when you enter into a long-term relationship with a woman, and these men were quick to share their most insightful gains.

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People Divulge The Worst Relationship Advice They've Ever Received
gabrielle_cc /Pixabay
People wanting to help you navigate through troubling relationships have the best intentions at heart.
But that doesn't necessarily mean the wisdom they're imparting is always sound advice.
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People Explain Whether They Think Cheaters Will Always Cheat Again
Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

You want to look for the best in people.

Knowing someone who once cheated on their significant other in a past relationship, or maybe this individual even cheated on you, can be a difficult thing to look past. There might always be that seed of doubt in your heart, knowing they can flip a switch and emotionally or physically break their bond with you again.

Or maybe you're capable of giving that trust over, knowing people can learn from their mistakes.

Always good to see what the internet has to say.

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Never ask the internet for anything meaningful. Yes it's great for finding Chinese food at midnight or to Wiki a band from the 80's but when it comes to medical issues and matters of the heart... be smarter. The net is made up of billions of voices with their own agendas who may be off their own meds because of similar issues. Maybe not the most stable environment for life advice. Just a thought.

Redditor u/mordor_fire wanted to discuss all the reasons we should all NEVER ask the web for help with love by asking..... Redditors who took terrible advice from r/relationshipadvice? What happened?

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