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People Confess What Makes Them Instantly Reject Someone On Dating Apps
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I haven't been on a dating app since pre-Covid.

And just the thought of it gives me a stomach ache.

I have no time for nonsense.

State your business or go.

Yeah... I've been destined to die single.

Let's go back to meeting in person.
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People Who Got Rejected And Then Ran Into The Person Later Explain What Happened
Photo by Julia Taubitz on Unsplash

Romance can be such an embarrassing issue.

In the movies it's all flowers and sunshine.

But in real life, people get and give a lot of NOs!

"NO. I'm not into you."

But rejection is a part of the game of love.

And as if that isn't bad enough... can you imagine having to face the person who rejected you repeatedly?

Redditor IneedAnameForReddit8 wanted to hear from everyone out there who has had second encounters with someone who left them hanging. They asked:

"People of Reddit who ran into the girl that rejected you in the past how did it go?"
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People Share Effective Ways To Get A Woman To Stop Hitting On You
Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

Sure, it's flattering when someone shows romantic interest in you.

But if you're not into them, how do you turn them down gently without offending them?
Do they deserve the harsh truth that they are not "your type" or do they deserve to be lied to?
So many questions.

But sometimes, the easiest thing to do in a scenario where an admirer can't take a hint and refuses to back down is to come up with a ploy to help you evade being pursued.

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People Share The Best Ways To Gently Reject Someone
Photo by Alessandro De Bellis on Unsplash

Not everybody is your cup of tea. If you've lived in the world, you likely know this. You'll meet at least one person a day that you know you are unlikely to ever want to spend time with in real life.

Unfortunately not everybody that you're going to encounter is going to be on the same wavelength about you as you are about them. And you will have to set your boundaries and learn how to do that while being kind.

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People Describe The Most Painful Rejection They've Ever Received
Image by Ben Kerckx from Pixabay

Why do people have to be so mean? Being rude and nasty to others is so unnecessary. Rejection is already hard enough, so why decide to make rejection that much more difficult to bear? If you don't like someone, or if they aren't a fit romantically, personally or professionally, that's fine... but you can just say no, without trying to wreck someone's psyche.

I will never understand why people choose to inflict pain. I've actually known people who enjoy making others cry for sport. But until it happens to you, you don't understand.

Redditor u/99_Megalodon_99 wanted to gather together and discuss the pain of being shunned, by asking:

What's the most painful rejection you ever got?
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