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People Break Down The Most Uncomfortable Questions Someone Can Ask
Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

People really need to think first.

Some questions, no matter how innocent, are not appropriate.

But the people with the questions never seem to care, so the gravity of the question is always on the person questioned.

Most people shake it off and just deal with the unease.

But maybe it's time to chat about what makes a good conversation.

So many times I know my face has said...

"Did you really just ask that?"

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As kids, most of us are desperate to fit in and we want, more than anything, not to feel alone.

Over time, you discover that there is pleasure to be found in solitude and that you don't need to be around people all the time, especially not the ones who don't bring much value to your life.

Being alone is the best. Naps? Quiet time? No one to bother me? It's beautiful.

Kids don't know what they're missing out on until they're older, I suppose.

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor MyLeft_Nu7 asked the online community,

"What is torture when you're a kid but heaven now?"
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Why can't we just let people be quiet if they want to? Why are so many others afraid of silences?

I'm no introvert, but I have many moments of tranquility. They are precious to me.

So I can empathize with introverts. The quiet time is my time, just let me be.

It's ok to have nothing to say or chose to not share.

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I love being alone.

I may in fact love it too much. I can't help it. People annoy me.

There are so many things that get accomplished when one is in solitude. No one is there to distract you or shame you or join in on the fun.

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In school, there is always the "quiet kid" whom people tend to make assumptions about.

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