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People Break Down The Least Suspicious Way To Get Their Significant Other's Ring Size
Sergey Mikheev/Unsplash

Confession: I love proposals. To a possibly unhealthy level.

Seeing someone be into someone enough to voluntarily be with them very early in the morning (like pre-coffee early, for you hot bean water addicts) every day for forever ... it's a beautiful thing that warms the icy cockles of my jaded little heart!

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Married People Describe The Exact Moment They Wanted To Propose To Their Significant Other
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

It isn't always the case, but for many couples who go on to become married partners, there was a moment when it became clear and obvious that the other was their soulmate.

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Women Who Proposed To Their Boyfriends Reveal How Their Man Reacted

Traditionally speaking, when we think of proposals when it comes to hetero couples, it's pretty much always the man who proposes to the woman. We see it in movies, TV, internet specials, read it in books - there really aren't a lot of examples that most people can think of (aside from arranged marriages) where there is any deviation from that. He proposes to her. That's it.

But what if that wasn't it?

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