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People Share The Questions They're Too Embarrassed To Ask The LGBTQ+ Community
Photo by Sara Rampazzo on Unsplash

It's PRIDE month. It's time to be loud and proud.

Well, every minute of everyday we should be loud and proud.

But this month gives you an extra special buzz.

So in the spirit of learning, we will be taking questions from the class.

I know cisgender straight people still have a lot they don't understand.

What do you need to know?

Redditor hre_nft wanted everyone to feel comfortable enough to be as aloud what they've been waiting to ask a queer person. Safe space for all. They asked:

"What question have you always wanted to ask LGBTQ+ people but didn’t because you don’t want to offend them?"
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People Confess The Silliest Thing They're Strangely Proud Of

Just because something seems silly doesn't mean it isn't something to be proud of.

Some silly or seemingly inconsequential abilities and accomplishments actually take quite a bit of work and skill.

Other times things you might think are silly are actually things others would find admirable or remarkable!

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People Share The Most Memorable Time They Made Someone Cry
Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

Tears can mean so many things in the complex human emotional spectrum.

A person may cry because they're overjoyed, or deeply sad, or grieving, Tears may fall over a lost dog, or a found dog, or losing the 90th round of Tetris attack in a row.

Crying happens.

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People Admit Which Useless Skills They're Totally Proud Of
Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

We have to find some way to be proud of ourselves.

For example, I can recite the alphabet backwards. My brother can bend his index finger all the way back without blinking an eye.

Our useless talents are a part of our identity just like our useful ones. And we get to be prouder of our useless weird talents since hardly anybody else can do them.

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Straight People Share What They've Always Wanted To Ask An LGBTQ+ Person

Asking questions is a natural part of learning about the world around you.

Sometimes those questions can be awkward, or you want to avoid inadvertently hurting someone with your question.

Here are some LGBTQ+ folks' answers to questions straight people have been wanting to know about but haven't been able to ask.

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