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Man putting a sandwich in a to go box
Photo by Conor Brown on Unsplash

It is estimated that nearly 37.9 million people in the United States currently live in poverty.

A shameful statistic, to say the least.

Challenging as it is, however, growing up poor is nothing to necessarily be ashamed of, as many influential people in this world came from humble beginnings.

Even so, many people who grew up poor and found success and financial stability in adulthood still try to hide their childhood from others. But those in the know, or who had the same experience, tend to notice the subtle, tell-tale signs of those whose childhood was anything but luxurious.

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People Break Down Which Things People Don't Understand About Being Poor
Ben Hershey/Unsplash

If you've lived through the recession of 2008, you probably have seen the U.S. struggling to catch their bearings again financially. The U.S. has been struggling to regain it's economic balance but truly the wage gap and percentage of our poor population has only increased.

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People Break Down Their Craziest 'It's Expensive To Be Poor' Experiences
Image by luxstorm from Pixabay

I have to admit. I was not fond of being poor. I was ten when I realized my family had some financial issues. My mother sat me down to explain that she needed to go to the food drive to get somethings. It had been a hard year and she wanted me to be prepared in case someone we knew saw us. It was heartbreaking.

My mother has always been a hard worker and she hates asking for help. So that's why it infuriates me when people try to say that being poor is just a mentality and the poor should just try not to be poor. My mother did make it out of several financial holes but it was always an uphill battle, because the truth is... being poor only makes you more poor. The system is designed that way.

Redditor u/26point2PipeDream wanted everyone to start realizing that the game is rigged, often by the system keeping the poor, poor. They asked everyone to explain by inquiring... In what way is it expensive to be poor?

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People Break Down Which Things Most People Don't Realize Are Inherently Anti-Poor
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

There are many services available that purport to helping the low-income demographic, but there is inevitably a catch.

Most wealthy businesses and organizations – while they seem to have your best interests in mind – are still wanting to come out on top.

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People Who Grew Up Poor And Now Live Comfortably Explain What Simple Things They Cherish

Living above the poverty line is easy to take for granted.

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