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Someone Turned A Giant Idaho Potato Into An AirBnB—And The Inside Is Actually Pretty Stylish

A few years ago, the Idaho Potato Commission (yup, that's totally a real thing) created a giant model of an Idaho potato. The enormous spud toured the country on the back of a flat-bed truck for six years on "The Famous Idaho Potato Tour" with the purpose of drumming up potato sales.

We didn't know they had declined, but we guess things are okay now because the giant spud was retired in 2018. A new potato mascot would take over, but that still left a major problem.

The Potato Commission had literally no idea what to do with the six-ton spud they had just sitting around. This thing was massive; almost 30 feet long, 12 feet wide, and about 12 feet tall. Would they just put it out to pasture and let it rot?

Enter potato-savior Kristie Wolfe.

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Chefs Share The Greatest Recipe They've Ever Come Across--And We're Salivating

Let's get to the real meat and potatoes here, shall we?

Okay first things first. I'm going to start this off by reassuring you that there will be actual recipes in this article. I'm not a terrible person. You're welcome.

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