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As many wonderful destinations there are to visit around the globe, there are plenty to be avoided.

Top of my list is anywhere with too much nature.

I'm not camping or white water rafting.

And you can keep that zipline madness for crazy people.

Also, why swim in shark-infested waters?

This is my list, but Reddit had a lot of other ideas to throw into the mix to nix.

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People Divulge The First Thing They Think Of When They Hear The Word 'Texas'
Pete Alexopoulos on Unsplash

Texas is HUGE!

Literally, it's massive. That might be why the tagline is about everything being big. Oh the metaphors of life.

Next to size is heat. Lord is it hot there.

Those are just a few of the regular Texas deets that often come to mind.

What else do others think of?

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Democrats and Republicans are as different as day and night (or donkeys and elephants).

They have different views on big issues, from education to foreign affairs. Have you ever seen a political debate in which one candidate declares that they agree with the other? You'd be hard-pressed to!

However, there are certain things that Democrats and Republicans do agree on, from their views on voters to their views on their careers.

Curious about what those things may be, Redditor Reddit807 asked:

"What's something Democrats and Republicans 100% agree on?"
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People Share Which Non-Presidents They Would Add To Mount Rushmore
Photo by Dennis Guten on Unsplash

Mount Rushmore, located in the Black Hills of South Dakota, features the carved heads of four of our most famous presidents. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln, respectively. Completion of the project finished in 1941 and since then the term, "Mt. Rushmore," can be used in any event to describe the four best people you know. "Who's on your Mt. Rushmore of NBA players?" and the like.

While the construction and occupation of the mountain lives in controversy as the Black Hills are owned by the Lakota people, technically, to this day, a fun game to play would be what honorable non-Presidential American deserves to go on there.

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People Explain What They Will Boycott Until They Die
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

There are just some hills we plant our feet on and pledge to hold out until death.

We have to put our money and influence where our mouths are.

And sometimes boycotting is the way to go.

If a certain clothing line uses child labor... and you care... as you should... you buy a different line.

I'm looking at you Kathy Lee!

You get the idea.

Let's hear what hills everyone is on.

Redditor SteelTookSteroids wanted to discuss all the things people will not support, no matter what. They asked:

"What's something you're boycotting till the day you die?"
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