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Woman scratching head
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Everyone has insecurities.

Be it speaking in public, wearing beach attire, or even one's profession, very few people don't have at least one topic of conversation that is bound to make them red in the face.

Some people are pretty adept at hiding their discomfort and can manage to persevere through their phobias with their dignity intact.

Others are not so lucky and often go to great lengths to hide their insecurities, only to make them even more apparent.

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People Break Down Their Strangest Irrational Fears
Eri Pançi on Unsplash

Fear can be based on real dangers or past experiences, but what happens when it isn't?

What happens when fear goes beyond "healthy level of caution" to "abject terror"?

Sometimes labeled as phobias, those irrational fears can still be crippling.

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People Explain What Absolutely Terrifies Them To The Core
Melanie Wasser on Unsplash


We all have them, but not all fears are the same.

There are things that make us a little uncomfortable, but then there are things that completely terrify us.

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People Divulge Their Strangest Phobias
Image by Marco Stoffers from Pixabay

The day I thought would never come, where I would have to face one of my major phobias while writing an article for you fine readers, is here.

We will get to that later after my thoughts find a cohesive flow. Or maybe it could be I'm procrastinating because I'm already breaking out in hives as I type.

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Step on a crack, break you mother's back. I tell you that phrase has haunted me for decades. It was told to me by an adult who was clearly messing with my head, but the way he made me feel, my body has never forgotten so to this day. I jump over all cracks I see. Just in case. I'm also superstitious. You're welcome, mom. We all have fears that seem irrational, even to our own minds, but we just can't help being held hostage sometimes. Thank God for therapy and vodka.

Redditor u/SweetP1078 wanted everyone to discuss all the phobias and life anxieties that hinder the everyday by asking.... What's your strange irrational fear?

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