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Hands catching falling water
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Everyone has a different relationship with hygiene.

While some people wash their hands every time they enter a new room, and never leave home without a bottle of hand sanitizer, others might not care where their hands have been as they bust open a bag of chips.

However, one thing that both parties have in common is that over time, they might have developed certain practices related to their own personal hygiene that are unique to them.

Helping them either make sure their hands, teeth, and body are as clean as can possibly be or help them get things done as speedily, if not as effectively, as possible.

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The Most Cringeworthy Types Of Tattoos People Always Get
Photo by JJ Jordan on Unsplash

Tattoos are a personal choice.

As a result, many people choose tattoos which have a special meaning to them, such as the name of their beloved, or an image or symbol sacred to them

It's also easy for people to judge what others choose to have inked on their body.

With certain types of tattoos almost instantly resulting in the immediate cringes of others.

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What one does in their downtime is no one else's business.

But we can look and wonder... "Why?"

It's fascinating to understand what makes people feel fun.

But to each their own.

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People Confess Their Deepest Secrets That They Haven't Even Told Their Families
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

We all have our secrets.

Some secrets we might keep from others, but share with our closest friends and family, such as a crush, a closet fondness for a boyband or film franchise, or one's dislike of someone's style of cooking.

But then there are slightly deeper and darker secrets.

Things about ourselves or things we might have done that we can't even bring ourselves to share with those closest to us.

Be it out of fear, embarrassment, or even shame.

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People Explain The Thing That's Not Quite Right About Their Body But Not Serious Enough To See A Doctor About
Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

The body is amazing thing. It can create life, run hundreds of miles and devour two chocolate cakes in one sitting. That's why we're told so often to take care of it and treat it like a temple. Which, truthfully most of us neglect to do. We have to stay on top of it's progress, and check it frequently for oddities and signs of trouble. But sometimes we discover oddities we just have to live with. The body is not perfect. (Unless you're Michael B. Jordan) And there sections that may be slightly... off. But no need to panic.

Redditor u/BeetleTooth4247 was hoping everyone was willing to share a few deets about personal anatomy by asking.... What's something that's not right about your body, but not serious enough to go to a doctor about?
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