people suck

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People Explain Which Things Utterly Disgust Them
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

I don't know about you, but I am definitely the kind of person who gets easily disgusted by many things. While I do think that it's a pretty commonplace thing to be easily grossed out, some people are more affected by it than others. For me, it's anything food related.

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People Share The Cruelest Thing Someone Has Ever Said To Them To Their Face
Photo by Ashley Jurius on Unsplash

People can be so cruel sometimes. Some of the things that come out of certain peoples' mouths can only make you ask, "who the heck hurt YOU?" Honestly, hearing cruel things about yourself tend to be just projecting from their own insecurities. So if you've dealt with sh*tty people, know that you aren't alone.

u/NicolasDelg asked: [Serious] What's the cruelest thing that's ever been said to you?

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People Share Which Questions They Wish People Would Stop Asking Them
Image by ijmaki from Pixabay

Asking questions is a great way to get to know someone. However, there are some questions that are waaaaay too personal for you to want to answer.

It's even worse when you've insisted people not ask you this question anymore, and they still do it. These Redditors know that struggle and are revealing the questions that make them grind their gears.

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People Share The Fastest Way They Have Seen A Happy Crowd Turn Sour
Nicholas Green on Unsplash

How rare is it nowadays to see someone get booed off a stage (and I don't mean "BOO-URNS")?

Believe it or not, it still happens in many different situations.

Watching an excited crowd turn sour is a fascinating social event, and these Redditors witnessed some of the best.

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Words can hurt more than they are intended to. Something that may have been a passing comment can really stick with someone. Through these Redditors stories, hopefully you'll be reminded to watch what you say. You never know what'll end up messing with a person's head for the rest of their life.

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