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Blatant Lies Patients Have Told Medical Professionals

Reddit user DrPloyt asked: 'Doctors and nurses of Reddit, what’s the most blatant lie a patient has told you about why they’re in the hospital?'

Doctor with arms crossed
Sasun Bughdaryan/Unsplash

In order for medical professionals to properly assess and diagnose a patient, the patient has to describe their symptoms as best they can.

But not every patient gives all the accurate information, possibly because they may be embarrassed about how they got into their predicament in the first place.

Regardless, doctors and nurses have seen it all and can tell if a patient is not being forthright.

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roc_and_rollHuman beings contain an unbelievable capacity to oppose their own well-being in pursuit of a preserved ego.

This holds true even when discussing the best approach to personal health with the person most qualified to help. People are crazy.

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Gynecologists And Urologists Share Their Most Embarrassing Patient Stories
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Some doctors have the kinds of specialties that might make others cringe - but those doctors who specialize in reproductive and excretory systems are literal life savers! That doesn't mean they're immune to the sorts of embarrassing moments that happen to us all.

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Doctors Share The Biggest Lies They've Ever Heard a Patient Tell About Their Medical History

Doctors deal with people from all walks of life and all different situations, but one fairly constant thing is the stuff people decide to lie about.

Whether it's out of embarrassment or some other motivation, folks lie about all sorts of things. Most doctors are just trying to help you the best they can though, and whatever embarrassing secrets you may have, they've probably heard it before.

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Doctors Share The Worst Thing They Have Ever Experienced At Work
Hero Images / Getty Images

For most of us, a bad day at work might mean a missed deadline, having to fire off a few snarky "per my last email"s or maybe a snoozefest of a meeting. For medical professionals, a bad day at work can mean literally the worst - or last - day of someone's life.

These are those stories.

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