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A young party boy falls down the stairs
Sander Sammy on Unsplash

It doesn't take much to ruin the party mood.

Anything can tank a good time.

Usually, it's a guest who has decided to act a fool who brings down the atmosphere.

But it can also be the menu, the music, the neighbors... the list is endless.

A party is a fragile experiment.

Play it fun.

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People Debate The Most Inappropriate Things Someone Can Wear To A Theme Party
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Who doesn't love a theme party?

When you not only get to dress up in something completely over the top, but also get to bear witness to everyone else's zany outfits in-keeping with the party's theme.

Be it Regency era, glam rock, or fairy tale villains.

Or what if the challenge is just to be blatantly inappropriate?

A theme which got the imagination of Redditor StockD0ctorStockD0ctor running wild, resulting in their taking to Reddit to ask:

"You are going to a party. The theme is dress inappropriately. Who or what do you dress as?"
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People Describe The Most WTF Moment They've Ever Experienced At A Party
Photo by JJ Shev on Unsplash

We go to parties to unwind and have a good time. To relax. To let the worries and warts of the world slip away. The last thing we want to deal with at a party is someone setting themselves on fire or inadvertently stabbing you.

Unfortuantely, by the very nature of parties, things get a little crazier than we intend and that's when all you can say is "W.T.F?"

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People Share The Signs That It’s Time To Leave A Party
Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

You've been having a great night.

The drinks have been poured, the music has been just right, and all the night's conversations have ended with you thinking, "I would genuinely enjoy talking to that person once again."

All in all, a good party.

Then, IT happens. You know what it is as soon as it occurs.

You grab your phone, you grab your bag, you grab your friend and you vamoose, because this night just ended.

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People Describe The Most Underrated Things You Can Bring To A Party
Drew Farwell/Unsplash

I know some of you haven't been to a party since 2020 ... and if you're like me you didn't really do them before that, either.

As the world starts to open back up, it's very possible that you're going to be invited to a party.


I know socialization can be awkward, but it's going to be okay.

One way to ensure social success is to be the person who brings the cool thing to the party. What "the cool thing" is really depends. It could be anything, but I'm not about to leave you stranded without ideas.


We've got Reddit.

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